Farnham, Dale E. "Farm and farming."

        Farming is the most important occupation in the world. People cannot live without food, and nearly all the food they eat comes from crops and livestock raised on farms. Various industrial materials, such as cotton and wool, also come from plants and animals raised on farms.  
        Farming was once a chief way.  In the 1700's and 1800's people lived on a small farms.  They raised cattle, chickens, and hogs; grew corn, fruits, garden vegetables, hay, and wheat.  But modern life, we grow all of those things and others too.  Farm is very important to people.  It gives people food or animals food.
        There are 2 different types of farms.  One is the specialized farms it is where there are concentrates on a paricular plants and animals it can have.  The second type is mixed farms where you can have any animals there.Farming has so many things that you can do.